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Sunday, March 2, 2008


We’ve been in Puerto Natales for a couple of days. There’s great food here and you get salsa on the side with your meals. More places need to practice that. Our hostel is really nice. This is the first time we’ve had our own bathroom and they actually have a decent breakfast here. We’ll be leaving this all behind tomorrow as we head out to the national park for a five day camping trip. All of our food will be in powdered or dehydrated form.

I’m okay with all of this and surprisingly, Stefani is too. Or, so she says. We will actually be passing by refugios, which are kind of like little lodges, about once a day. So, it’s not like we will be completely out on our own. We will get to see some really cool stuff, though from what I have heard. The glaciers here are supposed to be spectacular with icebergs and geographical features that can’t be found in too many places.

It’s getting late and we have a hard day ahead of us tomorrow. We get out of the woods on Friday and should have more stuff up that night or Saturday.

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