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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

packing is hard

Chris and I leave tomorrow (cue ominous music)... I set out to pack today and I'm not quite done and I think 80% of what I originally gathered together won't fit. I'm a big fan of the Eagle Creek organization and packing cube system. The problem is that I want more cubes and squares than my backpack will allow. So here's a bit of what I have:

And then I cram it into this...

Ta da!

But I still have makeup and toiletries to contend with, and of course these guys...

A very small percentage of 'my precious'.
Anyway, besides being a bit tired and my stomach being a bit out of whack, I think things are fine. I felt like I needed to do a quick update, so here you go. I have drama with the Brazilian Consulate in Houston to deal with tomorrow and the excitement of getting seven stitches removed from my back in a week and a half in Brazil. Add that to Carnaval and I'll have a lot to chat about.


JewelsML said...

I love the "sporty" sandals in your suitcase. May they take you to far and exotic places filled with adventure! Have a good flight tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

I have trouble packing large loads into small boxes too.